Futuristic education

 In order to inspire educators, discover good practices and design the future of education, we, as Tomorrow's Education Platform, bring together successful countries in education with educators, with Tomorrow's Education Summit,

We are working for the future of education with different topics such as Tomorrow's Education Sessions, Tomorrow's Education Interviews, Tomorrow's Teachers.

If we want to raise qualified individuals for the 21st century, we have to create radical changes in our understanding of education and teaching methods.

Education of Tomorrow;

Educating for Life, Not for Profession

Producing Benefit for Society, Humanity and Environment

Libertarian, Egalitarian, Observing and Evaluating Individual Differences

Emphasis on Social and Global Issues such as Green, Nature, Sustainability, Human Rights, Human Development

Able to Produce Science, Art and Technology; It should be an education that raises Entrepreneurial, Environmentally Sensitive Individuals!

Education of Tomorrow;

Developing Individual's Creativity and Imagination

Deeply Contemplating, Questioning and Curious

Aiming to Raise Free Thinking, Independent Decision-Making, Innovative, Self-Confident, Peaceful Individuals

Problem Solving, Communication, Leadership, Organization and Teamwork Competencies Should be an education that trains students with advanced skills!

Education of Tomorrow;

Bringing Tradition and Future Together

Promotes Personal Growth but Also Develops Humility

Nourishing, Satisfying, Educating the Mind, Heart and Spirit

It should be an education that trains and develops the Young Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Global Leaders and Social Leaders in Need of the Country, and Prepares the Future!

Education of Tomorrow;

Encouraging Research, Asking Questions, Gathering Information

Creating Awareness of Lifelong Learning

Free from Time and Space Constraints, Flexible to Change

Allowing Everyone to Discover Their Own Individual Style and Power

There must be a brand new education and training that will appeal to the future.

We need to get rid of rote learning, monotony and clumsiness in education and implement the Education Reform of Tomorrow urgently.
